Hiroshima Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

His ridiculous scratches puzzled everyone. For a few days, they would mend, and then, when he moved around, they would open up again. (4.14)

The scratches Father Kleinsorge sustained in the blast were unusual in that they seemed like no big deal at the time, but they kept opening up afterwards unexpectedly and looking pretty gnarly.

Quote #8

Mrs. Nakamura lay indoors with Myeko. They both continued sick, and though Mrs. Nakamura vaguely sensed that their trouble was caused by the bomb, she was too poor to see a doctor and so never knew exactly what the matter was. (4.15)

Mrs. Nakamura also ended up with radiation poisoning after the bombing, and she suffered with lingering health problems as a result. Although she eventually got health benefits from the government to help her out, for a while it was dicey—she was often too sick to work, and too poor to get medical care.

Quote #9

Miss Sasaki, who had already been moved three times, twice by ship, was taken at the end of August to an engineering school, also at Hatsukaichi. Because her leg did not improve but swelled more and more, the doctors at the school bound it with crude splints and took her by car, on September 9th, to the Red Cross Hospital in Hiroshima. (4.6)

It took quite a long time for Miss Sasaki to get her health problems resolved, as doctors bounced her from hospital to hospital trying to figure out the best way to help her.