1996 State of the Union Address: Pragmatism Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph.Sentence)

Quote #1

These cuts are real. They will require sacrifice from everyone. But these cuts do not undermine our fundamental obligations to our parents, our children, and our future. (13.1-3)

Sometimes politicians talk about needing to "tighten our belts" in order to cut government spending. You'd think they were starving artists.

Quote #2

I am ready to meet tomorrow. But I ask you to consider that we should at least enact these savings that both plans have in common and give the American people their balanced budget, a tax cut, lower interest rates, and a brighter future. (15.3-4)

Compromise and finding common ground are staples of the pragmatic approach to governing. When running for office in primaries, or intra-party races, highly ideological candidates sometimes criticize their opponents for "meeting with the other side."

Quote #3

In the past 3 years, we've saved $15 billion just by fighting health care fraud and abuse. (46.2)

Many pragmatists in both political parties believe that eliminating fraud, waste, and corruption in government will reduce expenses more than eliminating actual programs. It's sort of like saying, "Work smarter, not harder." Or, "Work less corruptly."