Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat: Compare and Contrast
Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat: Compare and Contrast
"Peace in Our Time" (Neville Chamberlain)
Chamberlain made a short statement as he got off the plane coming home from signing the Munich Pact, in which the Sudetenland was more or less handed over to Hitler in exchange for his promise to n...
Neville Chamberlain's Declaration of War
The official declaration of war against Germany (on September 3, 1939) came about 15 minutes after the deadline for the final ultimatum to Hitler, as Chamberlain said in this broadcast to the Briti...
The Speech of H.M. the King (King George VI)
You may have seen Colin Firth recite this speech with Beethoven's 7th Symphony playing in the background, but it was in fact a real speech given by the real King George VI, about seven hours after...
Speech at Berlin, Rheinmetall-Borsig Works (Adolf Hitler)
Maybe you've heard about Adolf Hitler's impressive public speaking abilities, but most people probably haven't taken the time to really investigate. Which makes sense, considering the kind of ideas...
"On Lend Lease" (FDR)
Before the U.S. officially entered the war in December 1941, it unofficially (but very obviously) supported the Allied countries in their fight against Nazi Germany's expansion. The most powerful w...
"We Shall Fight on the Beaches" (Winston Churchill)
This speech, given on June 4, 1941, is probably Churchill's most famous. And just like in "Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat," the famous line comes towards the end. (Churchill believed in building up...
"Finest Hour" Speech (Winston Churchill)
Churchill was on an oratorical roll in May and June of 1940. In the course of a few months, he gave four speeches that people like you study all the time. The June 18 speech was like the earlier on...
"Pearl Harbor Speech" (FDR)
FDR gave this speech to Congress on December 8, 1941, the day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. He was asking Congress to declare war on Japan as a result of the attack. As you mig...