Compromise of 1850 True or False

1. Which earlier work of legislation set the precedent for the Compromise of 1850, by dealing with a similar political situation? -> The Missouri Compromise
2. Why did California's request to be admitted as a state create conflict in the Senate? -> It asked to be admitted as a free state, which upset the balance between slave and free states in the Senate.
3. How did the Mexican-American War influence the Compromise of 1850? -> It gave the United States lots of land, which then had to be organized into new territories or states.
4. Who was in the Great Triumvirate? -> Henry Clay, Millard Fillmore, Daniel Webster
5. Why were many northerners against the Compromise of 1850? -> Bringing slavery into western territories meant fewer opportunities for white farmers to have a chance to earn a living off of that land.
