Compromise of 1850 True or False

1. What made the Fugitive Slave Act passed in the Compromise of 1850 more aggressive than the previous version of the law? -> The previous law didn't have any means of actually recapturing slaves, it just said escaping was illegal.
2. What exactly was banned in Washington D.C. as part of the Compromise of 1850? -> Discussions of slavery in Congress
3. What was Congress' final decision about whether or not there would be slavery in Utah and New Mexico? -> They determined the whole question to be a paradox that couldn't be answered with risking a serious rupture in the space-time continuum.
4. What did Texas receive as part of the Compromise of 1850 that none of the other states in question got? -> A larger amount of land than they had previously possessed.
5. What action had to be taken in Utah and New Mexico before their representation in Congress could be fully determined? -> Equal distribution of land among the residents
