Eisenhower's Farewell Address: Section VI Summary

Give Peace a Chance; But At Least the World Hasn't Blown Up Yet

  • The world is getting smaller and more interconnected, Ike says. We can't be scared of each other and hating each other all the time. So how about trust and respect instead?
  • The world has to come together at a table of equals so we don't give up diplomacy for war again.
  • We have to pursue long-term disarmament.
  • Ike admits that he wishes he'd achieved more peace during his Presidency.
  • He's seen the horrors of war up close as much as anybody, and he knows what another world war would do to civilization as we know it.
  • He can't honestly tell everyone that a good long peace is on the way.
  • But on the bright side, we haven't kicked off a nuclear winter, and some progress is better than none, right?
  • Ike assures us that even after he steps down as President, he'll continue to work for peace.