Magna Carta True or False

1. What was the outcome of Pope Innocent III's excommunication of King John of England? -> They started a bloody and expensive war that lasted decades and expanded throughout Europe.
2. How was Stephen Langton, the Archbishop of Canterbury, involved in the creation of the Magna Carta? -> He ran it by the pope for pre-approval before showing it to King John and the barons.
3. The life of Baron Robert Fitzwalter resembles that of the fictional Robin Hood because of which detail? -> They were both excellent at archery and liked to hang out in forests.
4. What running joke did the English royal family have about fifth son the future King John? -> That he would never own land, let alone be king of anything.
5. In addition to over taxation, what was a primary complaint of the rebel barons? -> King John being gone on Crusade for too long.
