The Marshall Plan Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Marshall Plan? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What did Marshall identify as the worst part of the damage done to Europe in World War II?

The destruction of the economy.
The destruction of housing.
The devastation to farmlands.
He lost all his Pokemon.
Q. When does Marshall say the damage to Europe started?

Ten years before the war started.
With Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland.
With the dropping of the atomic bomb.
Back when they named it "Europe."
Q. What does Marshall call the primary basis for the economy?

The division of labor between rural farmers supplying food and urban workers supplying manufactured goods.
The division of labor between capitalist countries providing money and communist countries supplying agrarian goods.
The division of labor between blue collar workers providing basic needs and white collar workers creating wealth.
The division of labor between Jedi supplying truth and justice and Sith supplying hatred and anger.
Q. How does Marshall propose to fix the European economy?

With a large infusion of American dollars.
With a large infusion of American food.
With a large infusion of American manufactured goods.
With a large infusion of American cheese.
Q. Who does Marshall believe should guide American efforts in Europe?

The military.