The Marshall Plan: Questions

    The Marshall Plan: Questions

      1. Should something like the Marshall Plan be an assumed part of the cost of war? Should it be utilized whenever the USA goes to war? Or was it a bad idea that shouldn't have been used then?
      2. The Marshall Plan had broad bipartisan support at the time. How would it do in the modern political climate? Does a plan need bipartisan support to be valuable?
      3. Of all the goals of the Marshall Plan, which is the most important? Restarting the economy? Fighting political extremism? Helping those hurt by the war? How do these things interact?
      4. Shipping large amounts of money practically begs for corruption and theft. How should something like the Marshall Plan combat these negatives?
      5. Had the Marshall Plan been implemented at the close of World War I, would there have been a second World War? Why or why not?