Tear Down This Wall: Trivia

    Tear Down This Wall: Trivia

      Speechwriter Peter Robinson got the phrase "tear down this wall" from his dinner party hostess on a trip to West Berlin. Wonder if she got any royalties…? (Source)

      Reagan and Gorbachev were huggers. (Source)

      Critics of Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative were the first ones to call it "Star Wars." They thought the name would make the whole weapons program look like ridiculous fiction, but that backfired when the Star Wars movies became famous and people started thinking "Star Wars" was an awesome name. (Source)

      President Reagan was a huge fan of Jelly Belly jellybeans. He always kept them on hand at the White House and often gave visitors Jelly Belly gift boxes. We can't help but ponder: did he ever send any to his buddy Mikhail over in Moscow? (Source)

      Ever wonder what Soviet peeps ate during the Cold War's prolonged food and supply shortages? Wonder no more. Learn all about Soviet creative cooking—and try out some new recipes—with CCCP Cook Book: True Stories of Soviet Cuisine. (Source)