The Gold Seal of Approval
- Examiners at places set up by the Civil Service Commission, will meet up with people concerned with their voting status. (The CSC gets to decide what the application form looks like.)
- If the examiner sees the applicant meets the requirements for voting, they can immediately put that person on the list of eligible voters. A list of these Federally certified voters are then sent to the states on the regular, with copies also being sent to the Attorney Generals of both the state and the government.
- Anyone on the list gets to vote, but they have to be put on that list forty-five days before the election.
- Voters put on the list get a nifty certificate saying so.
- Someone can only be struck from the list if either a) they were challenged by Section 9's procedure (read more below, dear viewers), or b) they've lost their voting eligibility after-the-fact, as determined by yet another examiner.