Hoot Contrasting Regions: Montana versus Florida Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"...Where you from, Tex?"

"Montana," Roy replied automatically. Then he added, "Well, actually, I was born in Detroit. But we lived in Montana right before we moved down here."

"Never been out West," Mullet Fingers said, "but I know they got mountains."

"Yeah. Awesome mountains."

"That's what we need here," said the boy. "Florida's so flat, there's nothing to stop 'em from bulldozin' one coast to the other." (14.106-110)

That's not entirely true (as Roy points out) but we see what Mullet Fingers is trying to say. Even though he's never been there, Mullet Fingers know how drastically different the scenery is.

Quote #8

Although the airboat was very fast, the ride across the shallows was like gliding on silk. Again Roy was astounded by the immense flatness of the terrain, the lush horizons, and the exotic abundance of life. Once you got away from all the jillions of people, Florida was just as wild as Montana. (16.76)

Looks like Roy stumbled upon a similarity between his old and new homes. Again, he notices how flat Florida is but instead of comparing that to mountainous Montana, he marvels at the surrounding wildlife.

Quote #9

It was a sweltering afternoon, but Roy had resigned himself to the fact that there was no change of seasons in South Florida, only mild variations of summer.

And though he missed the crisp Montana autumns, Roy found himself daydreaming less often about the place. (Epilogue.51-52)

Roy is finally getting used to living in Florida. Better late than never, eh? It doesn't mean he loves Montana any less. Instead, he's learning to like Florida more.