The House of Dies Drear The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Maybe we'll bring some folks home with us. They'll sit in the parlor with Papa. (9.15)

For Thomas, a home is something to be shared with other people from the community.

Quote #8

You could live here forever, [Thomas] thought. Forever and forever. You could get a bicycle and let all kinds of dogs chase after you down these roads.

Thomas is beginning to feel really at home in the new town. Forever is a really long time.

Quote #9

"Is that all we're made of? […] Are we to let fools run us out of this historic house, our home? […] Whoever thought to make us run doesn't know what we are made of!" (12.27-12.58)

Mr. Small feels that home is something to be protected, valued, and even fought for. Notice that he says "historic home." Living in a house involved in the Underground Railroad is his life dream. That's part of why he's so attached to it.