How I Live Now The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I would have to be buried alive in a ditch and stamped on by elephants before I would ever think that being anywhere with you wasn't a good thing SO THERE. (1.15.29)

To Daisy, home isn't just a place; it's being with the new family she's discovered, a bundle of magical misfits, the most loveable of whom is Piper. And Daisy can no longer fathom the idea of feeling like she's at home without Piper.

Quote #5

When I crawled in between the wool blankets and put my head down next to Piper's I felt almost clean and safe and best of all, home. (1.26.45)

Piper and Daisy have finally made it back to the big house in the countryside. For the first time in Daisy's life, she's arrived at a place after a long journey and a long time away, and it truly feels like home.

Quote #6

When I left England, I entered limbo. For all that time I was waiting to come home. (2.2.6)

Daisy gets ripped away from what she feels is her home when she's sent back to America during the war. Six years back in New York, a place that she spent fifteen years calling home, and she never quite feels that way about it again. For the duration of these years, she pines away for her home of nine months in England.