How the García Girls Lost Their Accents Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I put the bottle between my legs and pulled so hard that not only did I jerk the crumbled cork out but I sprayed myself with expensive Bordeaux. [...] I held the bottle up to my mouth and drew a long messy swallow, as if I were some decadent wild woman who had just dismissed an unsatisfactory lover. (1.5.41)

Remember the lesson Yoyo learned earlier about pornographic double meanings in literature? Good. Now keep in mind that Yoyo is holding a suggestively-shaped object between her legs, jerking the cork out, and spraying herself with wine. Goodbye Rudy Elmenhurst. Hello sexual independence!

Quote #8

"Virgin sex? Who're you talking about?" his sister Lucinda challenges with a hand on her hip. "Yeah," we concur, hands on our hips, facing him, a line-up of feminists. (2.1.104)

For the teenage García sisters (and one of their Dominican cousins, for once!) sex is actually a political statement. After all, when your entire society is trying to pretend like you're as pure and innocent as a doll, admitting that you like sex is like saying, "Hey! I'm just like men!"