Howl's Moving Castle Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

There was a time when everyone seemed to be telling me [that Sophie is under a spell]. Even Calcifer did—when I asked him. But do you honestly think I don't know my own business well enough not to spot a strong spell like that when I see it? I had several goes at taking it off you when you weren't looking. But nothing seems to work. I took you to Mrs. Pentstemmon, hoping she could do something, but she evidently couldn't. I came to the conclusion that you liked being in disguise. (19.87)

It sounds like the Witch was the original cause of Sophie's curse, but Sophie is also responsible for maintaining her old woman appearance for so long. Why do you think Sophie might have wanted to stay old for a time? What might have frightened her about being young again?