Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


Disney did not prepare you for this. The Middle Ages, as imagined by Victor Hugo, were not exactly the prettiest of times, unless you're talking about the architecture. After all, it's just not the Middle Ages unless somebody gets hanged for witchcraft.

But while the novel loves delving into the darker sides of human nature, it's not so graphic that it couldn't be made into a musical cartoon. Hey, the 19th century was a different time, and you could only get away with so much back then. But don't let all the swooning fool you: this book is heavy on the sex. Seductions in seedy inns, attempted rape in cathedrals, suspicious attachments to goats… yep, Hugo goes there.

It's all mostly implied, so we'll give The Hunchback a PG-13, but be forewarned: this thing may give you nightmares.