How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Hunger Games.
Quote #1
CRANE: I think it's our tradition. It comes out of a particularly painful part of our history...
CRANE: ...but it's been the way we're able to heal.
Crane is talking about events that took place 75 years ago. It would be kind of like explaining how we have to kill 24 German or Japanese children every year as a way of "healing" from World War II. He's excusing murder, but he's doing so on television. Somehow that makes everything okay.
Quote #2
KATNISS: So you're here to make me look pretty.
CINNA: I'm here to help you make an impression.
And as we're going to see, making an impression is the name of the game here. Be bold, be memorable, stand out from the crowd. If you do it right, the people will love you for it. Cinna wants to create a new version of Katniss; he knows the people will believe it. He's going to turn this down-to-earth, unpretentious country girl into a glammed-up superstar. It's a commentary on our celeb-obsessed culture.