Love Quotes in The Hunger Games

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Haymitch couldn't be sending me a clearer message. One kiss equals one pot of broth. I can almost hear his snarl. "You're supposed to be in love, sweetheart. The boy's dying. Give me something I can work with!"

And he's right. If I want to keep Peeta alive, I've got to give the audience something more to care about. Star-crossed lovers desperate to get home together. Two hearts beating as one. Romance. (19.92-93)

Katniss discovers that by playing up the tragic "love" angle she may just be able to win the Games. We can also see here that Katniss really doesn't have much of a choice: if she wants food and supplies, she's going to have to smooch Peeta. Repeatedly.

Quote #8

This is the first kiss that we're both fully aware of. Neither of us hobbled by sickness or pain or simply unconscious. Our lips neither burning with fever or icy cold. This is the first kiss where I actually feel stirring inside my chest. Warm and curious. This is the first kiss that makes me want another. (22.75)

Excuse us? She wants another kiss? Well, well. Looks like Katniss does feel something after all. But what? Can pretending she's in love actually make Katniss in love?

Quote #9

I spread out my fingers, and the dark berries glisten in the sun. I give Peeta's hand one last squeeze as a signal, as a good-bye, and we begin counting. "One." Maybe I'm wrong. "Two." Maybe they don't care if we both die. "Three!" It's too late to change my mind. I lift my hand to my mouth, taking one last look at the world. The berries have just passed my lips when the trumpets begin to blare. (25.93)

Like Romeo and Juliet, Peeta and Katniss decide to end it all at the end of the Games. The double suicide stunt allows Katniss and Peeta to win the game – together. But what will be the consequences?