What's Up With the Ending?

What's Up With the Ending?

Like happy endings, do you? Well, sorry—your princess is in another castle. Will makes it back to his family safe and sound, but then he apparently volunteers to go right back. The fact is, he has decided that the only thing he loves in this world is dismantling his bombs. Not his kid...not his wife...bombs.

So, as far as he's concerned, this is probably a happy ending since he's ended up back in Baghdad with his one true explosive love. And hey, he is trying to do something worthwhile and for the greater good by meeting the Army's desperate need for more bomb techs. So, that's pretty sunny, right?

Sure, but we still get the vibe that Will has to go back to the war largely because he just doesn't know how to function back in the "real" world. Remember that quote from the beginning about getting addicted to war? Well, it seems like that might be what's happening here. That's not really such a positive reason to return to a war zone, and that's why we're not really inclined to call this a fairy-tale ending.