The Hurt Locker Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Hurt Locker? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Sanborn suggest Will stay safe at night?

By keeping the wood boards on the windows
By wearing a vest under his pajamas
With an armed guard
By keeping a gun under the pillow
Q. In what does Will sleep in one scene?

A bulletproof vest
The helmet for his bomb suit
A holster (complete with gun)
The closet
Q. Why does Will remove his bomb suit when working on the flaming car?

There's enough ammo in the car to kill him anyway, suit or no.
It's messing up his hair.
It has sprung a leak.
He's decided it's not brave to work on bombs in a suit.
Q. What does Will do that makes Sanborn angry enough to punch him?

He cusses.
He goes AWOL.
He loses the keys to the Humvee.
He takes off his headset while they're on a mission.
Q. Before agreeing to work on the bomb attached to a civilian, what does Will make the civilian do?

Put his hands up
Renounce his religion
Say three words in English
Tell them the location of the people who put the bomb on him