The Suit

The Suit

"The suit" isn't just the protective gear that keeps Will alive during operations—it's also a clear symbol of the kind of guts that set him apart even among other very brave men.

Sanborn makes that clear when, after he's become very drunk, he gets up the nerve to ask Will if he has what it takes to do Will's job:

SANBORN: Hey, James, you think I got what it takes to put on the suit?

WILL: Hell no.

Sanborn has been pretty critical of Will's ridiculously chill attitude during their operations, but here it's clear that he admires something that Will has that makes "putting on the suit" possible.

Of course, in Will's case, Sanborn would probably say that special something is insanity. We kid. Well, not really—but even beyond madness, Sanborn seems to recognize that you need some very unique qualities to deal with bombs up close and personal every day.

We never find out if Sanborn does have those qualities. Will seems to suggest he doesn't, but we think he's just trying to be obnoxious.