Dabria/Miss Greene Timeline and Summary


Dabria/Miss Greene Timeline and Summary

  • Nora receives a note of introduction from Miss Greene along with a reminder about her scheduled appointment.
  • Nora meets with Miss Greene, who looks young but professional and extremely tidy. The meeting seems normal enough with Miss Greene asking questions about school, family, and Nora's social life. Nora explains that she's already covered all that with Dr. Hendrickson and that she wants to move on rather than dwell in the past. Miss Greene acknowledges her feelings and lets Nora go, but as she does, she remarks about Nora tutoring Patch in biology and specifies that all meetings should be held at school and should be supervised. She does not say why.
  • In another meeting, Miss Greene says that she is disappointed to hear Nora has been out with Patch and tells her to be careful around him.
  • Nora touches Patch's scar for the first time and goes into his memories, where she sees a casually dressed Miss Greene walking down the stairs of Bo's Arcade. Patch stares at her with surprise, calls her Dabria, and asks what she is doing there.
  • Dabria says that she's snuck out in order to tell Patch how he can get his wings back instead of pursuing his plan to become human.
  • Patch shows no intention to give up his plan, but he asks Dabria to lie for him and give him the name of a human who is about to die so he can appear to be moving toward becoming a guardian in order to throw off the suspicion of the other angels.
  • Dabria gives him Nora's name and says that she will die at Patch's hand.
  • Patch reveals to Nora that Dabria was his girlfriend a long time ago and that he regrets it.
  • Patch is surprised when Nora tells him that Dabria is still on earth, working as the school psychologist.
  • After Patch drives Nora home from the motel, where they were stuck during a storm, Dabria shows up at Nora's house. Nora's mother is away overnight, stuck at a wedding due to the storm.
  • Dabria says she's the one who attacked Vee and planted ideas in Vee's head about Patch being evil and dangerous.
  • Nora and Dabria fight about Patch, who he has feelings for, and what kind of feelings they are, and then Nora runs from Dabria. Dabria pursues her, breaking several things in the house along the way. Nora is able to fight Dabria off well enough to hide while Dabria starts a fire.
  • Patch shows up and goes after Dabria. Though we don't see what happens between the two of them, Patch tells Nora that he has torn off her wings, so she's still on earth and may make future unwanted cameos in Nora's life.