Hush, Hush Resources


Visit Becca Fitzpatrick

No, not at her house—we're talking about the author's website, which has tidbits about all her work, as well as her bio and social media links.

Fan Out

If you're jonesing for more of the Hush, Hush gang, get your fill at the official fan site. It covers the whole saga, so beware of spoilers.

Movie or TV Productions

Option Options

Hush, Hush was optioned for movie production in 2012, but to the chagrin of fans everywhere, Becca Fitzpatrick announced in July 2014 that it's a no-go. Tear.

Fan-tastic Trailer

The bummer news about the movie hasn't stopped these super-fans from making their own trailer. Nothing stops super-fans.

Articles and Interviews

Novel Thoughts

This interview has a lot of great background information about the story's development and Fitzpatrick's point of view.

Reader Q and A

Goodreaders ask Becca Fitzpatrick their questions. And you know what? She answered.

What's Up with Angels?

This article takes a look at the trend of YA novels featuring angels. Before you read, for fun you might form your own theory and see how it measures up.


The Best Interview Ever

We kid you not: This is an amazing interview. It's a short video featuring Becca Fitzpatrick and one awesome, young, crown-wearing interviewer who asks the tough questions.

Book Trailer

The book trailer is a fun little teaser to pique your interest in the novel.



Fitzpatrick created a playlist for Hush, Hush and the other books of the series. She has the playlist set up through Spotify, but you could also create your own.

Run, Nora, Run

This YouTuber thinks "Run Devil Run" should be Nora's song. What song would you pick for her?

Fan Boys

See what happens when readers dress up like Patch. All in a day's work for Fitzpatrick.


Becca Fitzpatrick

Check out the author's curly hair. Think it could be the inspiration for Nora's?

Chauncey's Digs

Château de Langeais is a real place, and we totally want to go to this castle in the Loire Valley.

Delphic Seaport

This image is actually of Old Orchard Beach Pier in Maine, but we think Delphic Seaport amusement park would look similar.