Patch Cipriano Timeline and Summary


Patch Cipriano Timeline and Summary

  • In the prologue, Patch forces Chauncey to swear allegiance to him. Chauncey sees the scars on his back and asks if he is fallen.
  • Coach assigns new seats in biology class, and Patch is placed next to Nora. He's less-than-forthcoming with information during their assignment to get to know their new seatmates.
  • Patch is playing pool at Bo's Arcade when Nora comes in to finish asking him questions for the bio assignment. He flirts and drops some bombshells, like never having gone to school before.
  • Patch embarrasses Nora in bio by flirting with her in front of the whole class. She asks Coach to change her seat, but he ends up suggesting she be Patch's tutor instead.
  • Patch shows up at the library at the same time Vee and Nora are there after they've gone to see The Sacrifice. They think it's weird he's there at the same time, and Vee asks if he's following them.
  • Nora asks him whether he's been following her the next day in bio class (after the car attack incident). He evades the question and refuses to ask Coach to switch seats.
  • Patch sees Vee and Nora at the restaurant where he works. More flirtatious sparring ensues, and Patch invites Nora to a party. She says no.
  • Patch watches Nora during her gym class as Elliot gives her some hands-on batting tips. Nora hears his thoughts in her mind.
  • Patch shows up in the arcade at Delphic where Vee and Nora are out with Elliot and Jules. He gets Nora to ditch the others and ride the Archangel with him.
  • After the ride, Nora can't find the others, so Patch drives her home on his motorcycle, invites himself in to make tacos, and engages in some spicy neck-nibbling.
  • Patch corners a disguised Nora in the women's room of the Borderline. He sees the list of questions Nora had been asking the bartender about him—in answer to the question about the girlfriend, he says he has an ex who is out of the picture.
  • They do a pulse lab in biology. Patch says he can't be the test subject, though, because he doesn't have a heart.
  • Patch turns up in the dark parking garage of the library just as Nora is emerging. She hurls more questions at him about where he was the day Vee was attacked, what happened on the Archangel, how she can hear his voice in her head, and why he's at the high school at all. Patch drives Nora home and makes a date for Saturday night.
  • Patch picks Nora up for their date in a Jeep he won playing pool. They go to Bo's, where they run into Patch's friend Rixon. Patch's shirt is torn during a bout of playful wrestling with Rixon, revealing the two scars on his back.
  • The rest of their date continues uneasily. Nora finds a stained flashlight in the Jeep and accuses him of bludgeoning Marcie Millar with it, and then Nora's mother bombards him with questions when he drops her off.
  • Nora calls Patch to come pick her up in Portland. They have car trouble and a dead cell phone, so they have to walk to a motel for help, but at the motel, the phone lines are down because of a bad storm. Patch pulls out cash and gets them a room.
  • In the room, Nora touches Patch's scar and is thrown back in time to witness a conversation between him and Dabria about his forbidden plans to become human and the alternative of becoming a guardian if he saves a human life, namely Nora Grey's (who will die at Patch's hand).
  • Nora's pretty unhappy after hearing Dabria say Patch would kill her. As a show of faith, Patch lets her touch the scars again so she can see more. She sees Patch talking to Rixon about how he wants to become human.
  • Patch and Nora discuss why he fell (lust for a girl), and Patch is surprised to hear Dabria is still on earth.
  • The news about Dabria kills Patch's mood. He goes to get the Jeep and drives Nora home so that he can go to the high school and look for plans in Dabria's files.
  • Patch finds Nora hiding at her house after Dabria has attacked her. He goes after Dabria, telling Nora to take the Jeep and drive to safety at Delphic.
  • Patch finds Nora at the movies. He reassures her he doesn't want to kill her, and they have a steamy kiss.
  • Patch drives Nora to the high school so they can get Vee. He parks and tells Nora to wait in the car.
  • Inside the school, Jules reveals that Patch has been watching Nora since the previous summer.
  • By the time Jules chases Nora into the gym, Patch is already hidden there. He enters Nora's body to fight off Jules, though he can't stay in her body long because it isn't Cheshvan.
  • Nora throws herself from the rafters rather than allowing Jules to push her so Patch can become human.
  • Patch appears in Nora's bedroom and explains that her sacrifice killed Jules, but that he rejected the sacrifice and saved Nora instead, meaning Patch is now her guardian angel.
  • Patch shows up to install an alarm system for the Greys, telling Mrs. Grey that he has a new job.
  • Patch and Nora kiss.