hush Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"I was a cop for fifteen years," my father says to the window. "Fifteen years! When I walk down these streets and see cops, I see that thing in their eyes that still believes in it. Still believes they can protect the world and change it and make it good. Well, you know what—I used to have those same beliefs, but they died with Raymond Taylor. They died the morning I walked into the D.A.'s office. They died when Randall and Dennis got sent to jail for manslaughter. I did that. I sent two cops to jail. Two cops! And it tore me up inside! Tore me up!" (14.31)

Perhaps this is the passage that tells us why Daddy decides to commit suicide. While his family has lost the external circumstances of their lives, he's lost his internal sense of right and wrong. Every certainty he thought he had has crumbled. Daddy's principles are a large part of his identity, and without them, he doesn't know who he is. He is lost.