How It All Goes Down
- The next morning (yes, we're still in 1969), Dominick calls Dessa to apologize for their "misunderstanding" (21.4). Um, Dominick, you misspelled rape.
- The phone is in Ma's room, so while Dominick waits for her to answer, he snoops through his mom's stuff, like her jewelry box and her photos, and through Ray's stuff, like his shoes and his weapons.
- Dessa doesn't answer, but Leo calls and asks Dominick to go fishing. He agrees.
- He goes downstairs, and Thomas is sitting on the couch watching TV.
- Dominick tells Thomas that he and Dessa had a fight. Thomas already knows, though—not because he's psychic, but because she called earlier and Thomas talked to her; Dessa thought he was Dominick.
- He then accuses Dominick of plotting against him with Leo and Ralph.
- They fight, and Dominick leaves Thomas laying on the floor and goes to gather his fishing gear.
- When he comes back, Thomas is still on the floor rubbing his arm.
- Dominick says "If I were you" (21.104), he'd clean up before Ray gets home.
- Thomas tells him "You are me" (21.105).
- Dominick insists, "No, I'm not" (21.11), but Thomas just smiles all creepy at him.