How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"How?" […] "by sharing your own remembrances of the past." (15.309)
Dr. Patel also wants to empathize with Dominick, and maybe get him to understand himself a little bit better in the process.
Quote #5
"You have my sympathy. And my gratitude. […] For sharing that information with me. I know you are a private person, Mr. Birdsey. Thank you for trusting me." (15.331, 15.333)
A big part of understanding is trust. In order for Dominick to find someone that understands him, he has to first trust them enough to actually open up.
Quote #6
"The stream of memory may lead you to the river of understanding. And understanding, in turn, may be a tributary to the river of forgiveness." (22.350)
This is kind of a cheesy metaphor, but it's a good one. It shows that the journey to forgiveness is a journey, and while sometimes you can just go with the flow, sometimes you also need to take control and alter your own course to go down the right path.