I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Thou shall not be dirty" and "Thou shall not be impudent" were the two commandments of Grandmother Henderson upon which hung our total salvation. (5.1)

This seems to be a pretty tough jab at Momma's take on religion. Young Maya definitely doesn't take Christianity seriously. Have things changed for adult Maya?

Quote #5

The minister took advantage of already being on the floor and asked in a choky little voice if the church would kneel with him to offer a prayer of thanksgiving. He said we had been visited with a mighty spirit, and let the whole church say Amen. (6.26)

We know how this ends: more comic relief, and more peeing in church. We're starting to notice a trend here.

Quote #6

Maybe the policeman was coming to put me in jail because I had sworn on the Bible that everything I said would be the truth, the whole truth, so help me, God. The man in our living room was taller than the sky and whiter than my image of God. (13.20)

This is some pretty deep thinking for an eight-year-old. Is it possible for someone so young to understand religion?