I Never Promised You a Rose Garden Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Deborah saw again the uncrossable expanse between herself and the species called 'human being.' (13.1)

Here, student nurses are touring D ward, and Deborah locks eyes with one of them. The nurse says out loud that t Deborah looks at her as if she were looking through her, as if she weren't even there. Deborah tries to comfort the nurse and acknowledge her existence, but her cryptic choice of words—"Wrong not" (13.1)—doesn't quite get across what she means. This only freaks the nurse out more and leaves Deborah feeling once again like she doesn't belong among the people of Earth.

Quote #8

Did any two people, even in the World, speak the same language? (20.44)

Do you ever feel like no one could ever understand you on the deepest level? Not to get personal or anything. This is something that people want, but it's also something that people are afraid of. Instead of being vulnerable, we often want to just shut down and not let people get too close to us.

Quote #9

It was not possible to tell them how immense she found the distance between herself and the rest of the human race, even if she were of human substance. (25.3)

When Deborah goes home for a five-day visit after being at the mental hospital for over two years, she feels grateful for the attention and company of her family, but she's overwhelmed by the contact and constant streams of conversation. It makes her feel profoundly that she's not totally there yet when it comes to her mental health.