I, Robot Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story title.paragraph)

Quote #7

"One word from you, Dr. Calvin," said the general, deliberately, "in violation of security measures, and you would be certainly imprisoned instantly." (Little Lost Robot.224)

Major-General Kallner reminds Calvin that she's subject to military rules and order since she's consulting on a military project. And this shows us something about rules and order: sometimes, to make sure you have rules and order, you need the power to enforce those rules and order. So here, Kallner makes a threat that he can enforce to order Calvin around. Rules and order don't look so good in this book, so far.

Quote #8

Robertson of US Robot & Mechanical Men Corporation, son of the founder, pointed his lean nose at his general manager and his Adam's apple jumped as he said, "You start now. Let's get this straight." (Escape.7)

Later, Asimov notes that Robertson doesn't really understand robots (27), which raises some questions for us; like, how did this guy become the president of the company? Well, he is the old president's son, so it looks like he simply inherited his dad's position (or his dad's shares in the company). This isn't a very good way to pass power in a company, but it's a traditional way to pass command.

Quote #9

"Also that you, or your men, attempted illegal invasion of my Rights of Privacy." (Evidence.208)

There's a lot that's different about government in the future, but here's one thing that's not too different: there are rules about personal privacy.