I Stand Here Ironing Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Why, Mommy?" The kind of question for which there is no answer. (36)

This is Emily's question about a boy, but it could be a question about life in general.

Quote #8

She was not glib or quick in a world where glibness and quickness were easily confused with ability to learn. (37)

Since the narrator tells us early on (see quote #4 above) that Emily now has a gift for comedy, this description of a younger Emily is surprising.

Quote #9

Mostly Emily had asthma, and her breathing, harsh and labored, would fill the house with a curiously tranquil sound. (39)

Again, this image of Emily and her childhood asthma seems to conflict with the image of her as a confident performer on stage.