I Stand Here Ironing Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

You ought to do something about her with a gift like that – but without money or knowing how, what does one do? (49)

The fact that Emily has an amazing gift that may never be actualized brings up the sobering thought that there are countless young men and women with promise but no opportunity to realize their dreams.

Quote #8

My wisdom came too late. She has much to her and probably nothing will come of it. She is a child of her age, of depression, of war, of fear. (55)

The narrator seems to end on a note of despair, but the story also gives us Emily's light-hearted banter, leaving open the possibility that Emily just might be able to transcend the circumstances of her early childhood, in a time "of depression, of war, of fear." (Compare this quote to the last quote under the theme "Power.")