The Iceman Cometh Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act)

Quote #7

CHUCK: Yuh don’t wanta see me get married and settle down like a reg’lar guy! Yuh’d like me to stay paralyzed all de time, so’s I’d be like you, a lousy pimp! (3)

Chuck and Rocky might not be known for their deep thinking in the play, but this exchange actually says a lot about relationships. With the two bartenders, O’Neill displays that ugly little part of people that doesn’t want to see friends out-succeed them. For more on this, it can be helpful to turn to the early ‘90s New Wave stylings of a melancholy Brit named Morrissey and his classic tune “We Hate it When Our Friends Become Successful”.

Quote #8

HICKEY: I had to kill her. (4)

What does it say about Hickey that he spills his confession of the ultimate betrayal in such a calm, straightforward manner?

Quote #9

PARRITT: It’s worse if you kill someone and they have to go on living. I’d be glad of the Chair! It’d wipe it out! It’d square me with myself! (4)

Boom! It’s that rare moment when a character in this play says exactly what he means and what he wants. Parritt straight up admits that he welcomes death and that it’s the one way he can come to terms with what he did to his mother. A lot of people shout a lot of stuff in Iceman, but there are a few times when someone just lays everything out there for the world to see. After this outburst, it’s pretty clear how things are going to end for Parritt.