The Iceman Cometh Dreams Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act)

Quote #7

HICKEY: You’ll be in a today where there is no yesterday or tomorrow to worry you. You won’t give a damn what you are any more. (2)

What has happened in Hickey’s past to make him want to crush the illusion of pipe dreams?

Quote #8

ROCKY: Dey says, “We’re takin’ a holiday. We’re goin’ to beat it down to Coney Island and shoot the chutes and maybe we’ll come back and maybe we won’t. And you can go to hell!” (3)

Why are some characters like Rocky quick to judge others’ pipe dreams but unable to recognize that their own dreams are no less likely to play out? Is this something that happens in everyday life? Does O’Neill think we’re all a little hypocritical at heart?

Quote #9

LEWIS: Oh, anything. I mean, not manual labor, naturally, but anything that calls for a bit of brains and education. (3)

For Lewis, the pipe dream has no specificity, but just the idea of doing “anything” other than what he is currently doing appeals to him. In Lewis’s defense, a lot of people feel that way when they’re at work or school, too.