The Iceman Cometh Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act)

Quote #4

ROCKY: Jeez, if she committed suicide, yuh got to feel sorry for Hickey, huh? (3)

Is Rocky implying that Hickey wouldn’t deserve pity if his wife died in some other way? Or that Hickey is particularly deserving of pity if his wife killed herself—maybe because of something Hickey has done?

Quote #5

LARRY: Didn’t I tell you he brought death with him? (3)

Right here, Larry elevates Hickey to something almost superhuman. As much as the two argue, Larry’s not afraid to grant that Hickey possesses skills that somehow transcend those of the average person. O’Neill milks this to further the idea of Hickey as a Christ figure. Albeit, a really twisted version of a Christ figure.

Quote #6

LARRY: What did your wife die of? You keep that a secret, I notice—for some reason! (3)

Playing a role like Hickey would involve making some pretty big decisions about the character. If you were to play Hickey, do you think you would enter the bar knowing deep down that you were going to reveal the fact that you killed your wife, or would you let something that happens over the course of the play drive you to confess?