Imhotep's Conversations

Imhotep's Conversations


Ptolemy V

Immy, I'm gonna build you a temple at Philae.

Sounds good. Can you install a vending machine?

Ptolemy V

What's that?

Rats. Now how am I going to get my Kit-Kat bars?


Thanks so much for all of your help, bro.

You're so welcome. Now, about that promotion…


You've already got every major job in the kingdom. What more do you need?

A few gold bracelets should do the trick.

Imhotep is watching old episodes of 24. Jack Bauer might be the only person who can do more than me.


What's up, doc?

Not much. I just checked—it's about time for your yearly physical.


Do I have to get shots? I hate shots.

Nope. Just a weigh-in.

Thutmose III

Thutmose III likes this.

What happened to my tomb?! According to the Lay of the Harper nobody can find it anymore!

Howard Carter

Howard Carter: Maybe it just got buried under sand. I'll find it!

Imhotep is stargazing tonight. There's nothing like checking out the lovely night sky in freezing desert weather to chill you out.

Thutmose I


What do you want? I'm trying to watch Glee.

Thutmose I

I think I broke my foot. My chariot horse stepped on it.

Fine. Go to my temple and pray. I'll see what I can do when this episode's over.

Ahem—pretty sure it's sacrifice time, bro.

For what?

For becoming so smart that you could decipher stuff at my temple!

I'm a god, sure, but I still obey you, Thoth. If it wasn't for you giving all my talent to me, I wouldn't've gotten anywhere. Ever.

Thanks for acknowledging it, but you still owe me a big sacrifice.


Imhotep and Asclepius just joined the Medicine Men Fraternity.


Rise and shine!

What? Why?


You're a priest, remember? It's worshipping time!