In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She had grown quite fond of the toothless Señora, who no longer bothered with the formality of dentures at all during their lessons. (7.13)

Shirley's bonding with Señora Rodriguez. Even though she dislikes piano lessons, Shirley has a friend in the old lady—they share common experiences, love for their families, and amusement at Toscanini's antics. Señora R helps Shirley settle in and enjoy her summer.

Quote #8

When she opened them again, there stood a giant bed fit for an emperor. Shirley threw herself on the mattress and lolled about like a fish tossed back to the sea. "How did you do it, Father? How?"

But before he could say a word, she shouted, "I know. It's just another wonderful engine made in America. (8.21-22)

Shirley's dad is the temporary landlord while Señora Rodriguez is away… and he spends some money on a new bed for his girl. Shirley has her own bed, something she can call her own, which helps make the apartment feel like that much more her own place, too. She is creating her own memories there.

Quote #9

He grinned as if he had unearthed a store of treasures, banging a pipe here, examining a wire there.

"This will be a wonderful challenge. Just wonderful." (8.36-37)

Father wants to clean the furnace room and finds a bunch of fun stuff to clean that he says they can turn into treasures. He takes pride in his new home and wants to improve it and take care of it. In doing so, he gets gifts for all his new neighbors, cementing friendships and rooting him further into the community.