Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #7

Many questions were asked concerning my experiences, and my escape from slavery; but I observed how careful they all were not to say anything that might wound my feelings. How gratifying this was, can be fully understood only by those who have been accustomed to be treated as if they were not included within the pale of human beings. (31.6)

For the first time in her life, white people are treating Linda with respect. This small act of kindness is profoundly meaningful for a slave-woman who has grown used to being treated like an object.

Quote #8

There are no bonds so strong as those which are formed by suffering together. (33.5)

Suffering is a shortcut to friendship—this, Linda suggests, is why black people need to work together to end slavery and discrimination.

Quote #9

My relatives had been foiled in all their efforts, but God had raised me up a friend among strangers. (41.22)

Friendship is absolutely central to Linda’s ability to escape slavery. An extensive network of friends and acquaintances looked after her and found opportunities for her.