Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Foreignness and the Other Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Quote #4

BLUMBERTT: The Thuggee was an obscenity that worshipped Kali with human sacrifices. The British army nicely did away with them.

The word "thug," a word which is a loaded word for the "other" in modern society, comes from the Thuggee Cult, a group of brutish killers who performed thousands of sacrificial killings in the 1800's. That's one way to scare people from a foreign land – tell them that a dangerous cult is back.

Quote #5

INDY: The peasants there told us Pankot palace was growing powerful again because of some ancient evil.

CHATTAR LAL: Village stories, Dr. Jones. They're just fear and folklore.

Once again, the idea that Pankot Palace, and whatever is happening within its walls, is also foreign to Indiana Jones is reinforced.

Quote #6

DINNER GUEST: Chilled monkey brains.

The entire dinner scene is hilarious, as more and more grotesque food is brought out. But it's also rooted in a general fear of foreign cuisine.