Infinity: Chronicles of Nick Chapter 18 Quotes
Infinity: Chronicles of Nick Chapter 18 Quotes
How we cite the quotes:
Quote 1
The only respect he wanted was from himself and the people who really mattered in his life. The people who really loved and cared about him. (18.22)
In the end, Nick's decision all comes down to respect. All that fretting about getting the popular crowd to respect him is thrown out the window because Nick realizes he doesn't care about those people's opinions, even if they like him.
Quote 2
In the end, nothing could be crueler than leaving Stone to live his putrid life of false friends and petty jealousies. Friends who didn't really like him. Who only wanted to use him for what they could get. (18.9)
Nick makes a very astute observation. Popularity isn't important. What really counts is having friends who genuinely care about you, not the number of people you have in your social circle.
Quote 3
His enemies were the ones who told him lies under the guise of being his friends. The ones who wanted him to be like them. To ruin his life and throw away everything he'd worked so hard to become. (18.28)
We're not sure who Nick is talking about here, because he hasn't yet been betrayed by anyone who says they're his friend. But it's good that Nick realizes that this is a possibility in order to keep it from happening in the future.