Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
The Supernatural Quotes
Out of the darkness, a blur rushed in at the same instant Alan fired the gun. (2.9)
Respect and Reputation Quotes
"I am a socially awkward mandork." (1.1)
Violence Quotes
Before he could think better of it, Nick swiped him upside the head with his backpack as hard as he could. (1.78)
Family Quotes
He could handle insults directed at him. It was the ones against his mom that elevated him to fighting mad. (1.121)
Friendship Quotes
My best bud, Acheron, once explained it to me like this. (Prologue.4)
Wealth Quotes
"There's nothing wrong with that shirt. Wanda told me at the Goodwill store that it came in from one of those big mansions down in the Garden District." (1.4)
Love Quotes
As soon as her parents had learned she was pregnant, they'd offered her one choice. Give up the baby or give up her nice home in Kenner, her education, her family. For reasons he still didn't under...
Fate and Free Will Quotes
Free will. Some have called it the greatest gift bestowed on humanity. […] Others say free will is a crap myth. (Prologue.1-3)