How we cite our quotes: (Abbreviated Title.Paragraph)
Quote #4
They were all like siblings, Mr. Kapasi thought as they passed a row of date trees. Mr. and Mrs. Das behaved like an older brother and sister, not parents. It seemed that they were in charge of the children only for the day; it was hard to believe they were regularly responsible for anything other than themselves. (IM 45)
Mr. Kapasi perfectly describes Mr. and Mrs. Das—two people who never seem to grow up or care about anything beyond themselves.
Quote #5
"Then why no mention of it until today? Do you think it's beyond us to provide you with clean quilts? An oilcloth, for that matter?" She looked insulted.
"There is no need," Boori Ma said. "They are clean now. I beat them with my broom."
"I am hearing no arguments," Mrs. Dalal said. "You need a new bed. Quilts, a pillow. A blanket when winter comes." (ARD 26-28)
Here's Mrs. Dalal promising Boori Ma new bedding. We'll just add that this is what makes Mrs. Dalal different from the other residents in the building: she really does view and treat Boori Ma like family. Haldar and his wife, her "real" family, aren't worrying too much about Boori Ma's comfort, that's for sure.
Quote #6
Apart from Laxmi and Dev, the only Indians whom Miranda had known were a family in the neighborhood where she'd grown up, named the Dixits. Much to the amusement of the neighborhood children, including Miranda, but not including the Dixit children, Mr. Dixit would jog each evening along the flat winding streets of their development in his everyday shirt and trousers, his only concession to athletic apparel a pair of cheap Keds. Every weekend, the family—mother, father, two boys, and a girl—piled into their car and went away, to where nobody knew. (S 56)
The Dixit family seems strange to the children of the neighborhood. Miranda goes on to describe how she's even afraid of the family's house and yard. But this family seems to enjoy spending time together and they even include the neighbor kids in their daughter's birthday celebration despite the fact that the other mothers avoid Mrs. Dixit and the kids joke about them behind their backs.