Manipulation Quotes in Interview with the Vampire

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I no longer find [Lestat] charming. And you never have. And we've been his puppets, you and I; you remaining to take care of him, and I your saving companion. Now's time to end it, Louis. Now's time to leave him." (1.496)

One thing any daughter is good at is twisting her father around her little finger. Even though Claudia and Louis aren't your traditional father-daughter pairing, Claudia has the "manipulating Dad" part down perfectly.

Quote #5

"[Claudia] remained undisturbed by [Lestat's] caustic outbursts, sometimes asking the same question over and over again in different ways." (1.503)

This is Claudia's way of manipulating Lestat into being even angrier and crazier than he already is. This is the vampire version of "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we…"

Quote #6

"Louis, you must help me get him out of here!" (1.618)

Once Claudia kills Lestat, she has to convince Louis to help her dispose of the body. Manipulation is one of Claudia's greatest strengths. Because she's trapped in a five-year-old's body, that's the only agency she has (or thinks she has).