Island of the Blue Dolphins Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Since night had fallen and it was too dark for me to carry Rontu back, I stayed there. I sat beside him through the night and talked to him. At dawn I took him in my arms and left the cave. (25.10)

As Rontu is dying, she treats him as a friend, and as a human, even though he's a dog.

Quote #11

We had many happy times that summer, fishing and going to Tall Rock in our canoe, but more and more now I thought of Tutok and my sister Ulape. Sometimes I would hear their voices in the wind and often, when I was on the sea, in the waves that lapped softly against the canoe. (26.13)

Karana misses the companionship of her sister or Tutok. Is there something different about friendships with other humans as compared to friendships with animals?