Island of the Blue Dolphins Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

We had many happy times that summer, fishing and going to Tall Rock in our canoe, but more and more now I thought of Tutok and my sister Ulape. Sometimes I would hear their voices in the wind and often, when I was on the sea, in the waves that lapped softly against the canoe. (26.13)

How does Rontu-Aru become a replacement for Rontu? Is he the living past? Karana remembers her sister, and Tutok and their friendship. What's significant about that?

Quote #11

I came to the mound where my ancestors had sometimes camped in the summer. I thought of them and of the happy times spent in my house on the headland, of my canoe lying unfinished beside the trail. I thought of many things, but stronger was the wish to be where people lived, to hear their voices and their laughter. (28.19)

For Karana, her loneliness gets the best of her. She wants to leave the island to be with people. The pull of the present is greater than that of the past.