Johnny Got His Gun Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

He had seen the airplanes flying in the sky he had seen the skies of the future filled with them black with them and now he saw the horror beneath. He saw a world of lovers forever parted of dreams never consummated of plans that never turned into reality. He saw a world of dead fathers and crippled brothers and crazy screaming sons. (20.28)

World War I was supposed to be "the war to end all wars." Well, it didn't do a very good job of living up to that. Does war ever really end war? Or is that an oxymoronic statement? Keep in mind that one of the things World War I actually did do was set the stage for World War II (and Johnny Got His Gun, though it was written a year earlier, was published in September of 1939, literally two days after the start of World War II). How might we read Joe's words in light of what happens after World War I?