Johnny Tremain

Johnny Tremain


by Esther Forbes

Reading Quizzes

Available to teachers only as part of theTeaching Johnny TremainTeacher Pass

Teaching Johnny TremainTeacher Pass includes:

  • Assignments & Activities
  • Reading Quizzes
  • Current Events & Pop Culture articles
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  • Related Readings in Literature & History

Sample of Reading Quizzes

Chapter 1


1. What shot does the story start with?
2. What is Mrs. Lapham trying to do?
3. Whom does Mrs. Lapham beg to get the apprentices out of bed?
4. Who bosses Dove and Dusty?
5. How much older is Dove than Johnny?
6. Who teases Johnny on the ground floor about how wonderful he thinks he is?
7. What will Johnny and Cilla inherit when they marry?
8. What does Mr. Lapham make the boys take turns doing at breakfast?
9. Why does Mr. Lapham make the boys take turns reading passages from the Bible?
10. What parts of the Bible does Mr. Lapham have Johnny read?
11. Who owns the wharf and the Laphams's house?
12. What does John Hancock want?
13. Why does everyone beg Johnny to take Hancock's order?
14. Why is Johnny allowed to skip dinner?
15. What does Isannah tell Johnny that Cilla has been drawing?
16. What does Johnny tell Cilla when he sees that she has intertwined his two initials?
17. Why does Cilla wake Johnny in the middle of the night?
18. What is Johnny's full name?
19. What does Johnny say that he was given by his dead mother?
20. When did Johnny's dead mother tell him to go to the Lyte family?


1. It begins with a widescreen shot of the city of Boston waking up on the morning of July 2, 1773.
2. She's trying to get her father-in-law's three silversmith's apprentices out of bed.
3. She asks Johnny Tremain to do it.
4. Johnny Tremain bosses them.
5. He's two years older.
6. Mrs. Lapham's two youngest daughters, Cilla and Isannah, tease him.
7. They'll inherit Cilla's grandfather's silver business.
8. They must take turns reading passages from the Bible.
9. He wants them to increase their reading skills and highlight their faults.
10. He has him read several passages about the sin of pride.
11. John Hancock owns them.
12. He wants a new sugar basin.
13. If they take the order and Hancock comes often, their standard of living could really improve.
14. He's working so hard and is so valuable.
15. She's been drawing a mark for Johnny to use for his silver when he becomes a master silversmith.
16. He tells her that he intends to use all three of his initials: J.L.T.
17. Isannah is sick.
18. His full name is Jonathan Lyte Tremain.
19. She gave him a silver cup that proves his relationship to the Lyte family.
20. She told him to go to them when he reached the end of his rope.