Johnny Tremain Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #10

The first two boats were filled with privates. They had been packed in, and now were being tossed ashore, like so much cordwood. Most of them were pathetically good and patient, but he saw an officer strike a man who was screaming.

Johnny's hands clenched. "It is just as James Otis said," he thought. "We are fighting, partly, for just that. Because a man is a private is no reason he should be treated like cordwood." (12.1.16-17)

Johnny is watching the British wounded from Lexington and Concord being unloaded at the Boston docks. How are the British military and the American militia compared in the novel? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both systems? Is there a way to keep order without treating officers and privates differently?