Judicial Branch & Supreme Court Books

Jeffrey Toobin, a writer for the New Yorker, explores much, much more than constitutional law and judicial power; through his investigative reporting he is able to offer an intimate account of the Supreme Court justices—their personalities, prejudices, and principles—from the Reagan administration through President George W. Bush's second term.

This collection of key Supreme Court cases from the last two centuries is clear and concise—an easily digestible sampling of those decisions that have most impacted this nation and the people within it.

A hefty 600-page compilation of essays, this book appears much more intimidating than it actually is. Find solace in the fact that you can pick and choose from over a dozen compelling and clearly written discussions of the judicial branch of government, each answering a different question about the impact of the Supreme Court on our lives.

In the tradition of Howard Zinn's People's History series, author Peter Irons offers this bottom-up account of the Supreme Court, its most significant decisions, and the men and women involved in these landmark cases.